Friday, November 26, 2004

th' day after thanksgiving/ community

hey friends-- th' time is coming soon for us to move off th' big black bus that has carried us so far-- to so many places and so many faces some new some old even-- we will miss our psalter friends and send them off with our blessing as they continue on their journey to carve out a new nomadic community lifestyle completely rooted in Jesus-- we're looking for a place to make camp for a while and we're thinking about michigan alot but we're not 100% sure yet-- so please pray for us and pray for yourself too and we'll keep this site updated when we know more-- and send us thoughts/prayers/ideas -- we want to have a community - whatever that may look like-- and one that is using and developing th' talents that god has given to each of us-- and learning meeting god in each other-- cuz as our friend jeremy says, each person has a secret that god has given them and you learn about/ meet god by interacting with people and getting to know that secret part of god that only they can reveal-- so many people all over th' country (and probably all over th' world- we just haven't been there yet) are moving towards community living and i think it's part a god's great plan and for those of us called to it pray to find your place and for others to find theirs-- and let's work together in th' body of christ and use our talents and abilities and resources to support each other-- and serve each other-- and" all men will know you are my disciples when you show love to one another" -- there's a great quote inside one of th' psalter cd's-- it says ' th' greatest thing we can do for th' poor is to help awaken their creativity. When their creativity is awakened th' poor will indeed liberate themselves'-- so that's what we want our focus to be(not the only focus-- but one of them)-- to help each other awaken our creativity-- let us show god that we appreciate th' life and gifts that he's given us by using them to th' best of our ability-- and encouraging others to use their gifts as well--

"i think we cry at funerals- even at funerals of people we don't like- because we realize what a miracle life is - you realize, this will never happen again- there will never be this exact combination of genes, there will never again be the things that have created this person to be what he is.- god has spoken uniquely here, and it's gone- it's over.- and i think there's some regret because we all realize, boy, we didn't pay enough attention."
-rich mullins-

Thursday, November 11, 2004

we're still here

hey out there -- we're still here and doing good-- if you've tried to email us i messed up our email account somehow and we need a parents permission to check our email now-- and that parent must have a credit card? you can't grow up without one these days-- just ask our good friend rob gray-- he'll tell you all about how credit cards help you grow up-- anyway-- if you want to contact us before i get that worked out just post a comment on here and we'll be checking it when we can-- and if you have an unanswered email you may want to send us another one to our comment box here if it's important so that we'll see it and then just check our blog for a response-- this can become our public community page so don't say anything you don't want all our friends to read-- but if you want a lot of people to pray for something perhaps this is th' way to let others know-- also, if you could possibly help us get our email working that would be great-- or if anyone with a credit card wants to volunteer to be our parents and give us permission to check our email that would be great too-- so many things to write about and we will soon so keep checking th' blog and praying for us-- God is giving us some directional ideas and we need to make a decision soon so pray for that for us and we'll let you know what that means in upcoming editions of RICO AND BETH- ON TH' ROAD TO FREEDOM so stay tuned friends and we love you all and miss most of you-- just kidding-- all of you-- see ya soon,

rico and bethra lighthouse.
maybe you guys could even talk to each other over the blog...
you can click on th' comments and read them for more information about what goes on in th' heads of our friends-- and you can post comments to others -- and if you read th' " we miss most of you" part and your first reaction was that you are one of th' ones we don't miss then maybe you're a little too insecure and write to us and we'll pray for you about that-- thanks everybody---