Friday, September 17, 2004

17 sept 2004 A.D.

our room is a small cubicle in the back of a warehouse- there is no window to let us know when it's morning, so we have to wake up to an alarm clock- not so bad though- it keeps us from sleeping in too much- everyone else shares a room down the hall- they're all single and don't mind too much-
it's a nice, happy room they live in, with each persons own space decorated somewhat to his/her liking- i feel more at home here than i've felt in a long time- which is strange because i'd never choose to live here on my own- mornings are usually quiet and slow- every one stumbles one by one to the coffee pot- with us first- usually- then things start to pick up a little bit-- we all pray together and figure out tentatively what we're going to do for th' day- i've been building bunks and closets and a bathroom on th' bus- and various other things- bethra has been sewing alot- which she is very good at- and everybody else has their little things that they do each day- which all works together somehow- then we eat dinner together- which is always nice times together- we sit around and laugh and talk about whatever- then right after dinner we usually have practice- till we're too tired to play anymore- then we sit around talking till we all stumble one by one back to bed- but we've only been here a week- we're leaving for th' tour on october first- then life will be totally different once again- and i' m ready-

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